Yes the album has been delayed to the 30th of October...but for good reason. Check out the new and improved website at www.barethealbum.com
Don't forget to watch the new promo video with me and James singing "Bare." Hopefully it will help hold you over until the release.
Wow. I must say that the two of you sound great. Will be waiting eagerly for the next month so that I may order it.
Absolutely, your voices blend so well together, I can't wait to hear the rest of your songs! This is definitely a good reason to delay the release, and now I'm even more excited for it :D
Argh, yes, I just watched it and it is fantastic, you both sound amazing and I am even more excited for the album now IF THAT IS POSSIBLE. Seriously, how can you be so talented and yet so freaking nice and down to earth? ~I simply cannot comprehend it~
As upset as I am that I have to wait another month for it, that video is great and made me even more excited and impatient for it.
Hey Matt, saw you at the Saturday matinee as Melchior. Loved it. (I'm the girl who came all the way from California.) Marin kid! ... just kidding. Anyway, the clip sounds great, and I can't wait to hear the entire album. Listening to you guys sing made me unbelievably happy. :P
I'm really glad you're doing this album! I just feel that the message is an amazing one that really needs to be put out there. How amazing is it that you get to be involved with 2 such controversial shows with very important messages? Look at you, changing the world, one musical at a time. :) I love it!
Matty! That is the most fabulous thing I have heard and watched all day (of course I am at work). You sound INCREDIBLE! no lie. Keep up the hard work Star.
Nothing to do with Bare, but I thought you should know that I saw you in the Saturday matinee and thought you were absolutely amazing as Melchior. (I'm the girl who's the friend of the girl from California... yeah.) You sound great in the Bare clip too. Can't wait to hear the rest of it.
Hi Matty,
So glad things are going well for you. I miss and I love you!! Please let me know if you ever come back to California for a visit. I'm still desperately hoping to make it out to New York while Spring Awakening is still running. I may be spending a couple months in New York this summer, in which case I would hope to see plenty of you!
Love always,
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